For Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, you’ll have to absorb the Silicon Valley/hustle culture playbook.

But the truth is, there are zero rules.

No rules about what you sell (providing you know it’s a net good for the world), no rules around what you charge, how many hours you work, or where you do (or don’t) get your funding from.

My work with my clients?

Supporting you to hit your BIG goals all while honoring your values, keeping your boundaries intact, and ensuring your joy meter hits max at least once a week (and why not once a day?).

I’m here:
• To remind you who you truly are.
• To connect the threads between your history, your visions, your gifts, and your purpose.
• To help you transcend limiting beliefs and old stories.
• To tune up your intuition, enhance your creativity, and remind you of your innate permission to play.
• To get tactical when we need to: role-playing difficult conversations, workshopping how you’d share tough news at an All Hands, rewriting your bio so it fizzes your actual energy…
• And, above all, I support you to build in ways that energize rather than deplete you.

PS. My entrepreneur clients are building a huge diversity of businesses - from classic venture-backed tech companies right the way to Emmy-nominated documentary filmmakers changing the game in for women in Hollywood. 

For Executives

You’ve consciously signed up to work in the matrix and play the game from the inside. (Thank you btw, my goodness do we need women to like you!)

That said, you are done with the old-school ego trips and power plays.

It’s time to write your own rules and blaze your own trail. To find ways of working, leading and strategizing where you embody a new flavor of power, influence, and impact and where your very presence ensures you are treated with the respect you deserve.

Where you embody a warm, strong femininity that makes your boss sit up straighter when you walk into the room and your team loyal beyond measure.

You can probably tell already, but to be clear my executive clients are NOT your typical corporate climbers. They tend to find me when they’re ready to play a big game both inside and outside their firm. They’re ready to be interviewed on big stages, take the lead on big deals, and realize a bold vision for their industry and the world.

For Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, you’ll have to absorb the Silicon Valley/hustle culture playbook.

But the truth is, there are zero rules.

No rules about what you sell (providing you know it’s a net good for the world), no rules around what you charge, how many hours you work, or where you do (or don’t) get your funding from.

My work with my clients?

Supporting you to hit your BIG goals all while honoring your values, keeping your boundaries intact, and ensuring your joy meter hits max at least once a week (and why not once a day?).

I’m here:
• To remind you who you truly are.
• To connect the threads between your history, your visions, your gifts, and your purpose.
• To help you transcend limiting beliefs and old stories.
• To tune up your intuition, enhance your creativity, and remind you of your innate permission to play.
• To get tactical when we need to: role-playing difficult conversations, workshopping how you’d share tough news at an All Hands, rewriting your bio so it fizzes your actual energy…
• And, above all, I support you to build in ways that energize rather than deplete you.

PS. My entrepreneur clients are building a huge diversity of businesses - from classic venture-backed tech companies right the way to Emmy-nominated documentary filmmakers changing the game in for women in Hollywood. 

for executives

You’ve consciously signed up to work in the matrix and play the game from the inside. (Thank you btw, my goodness do we need women to like you!)

That said, you are done with the old-school ego trips and power plays.

It’s time to write your own rules and blaze your own trail. To find ways of working, leading and strategizing where you embody a new flavor of power, influence, and impact and where your very presence ensures you are treated with the respect you deserve.

Where you embody a warm, strong femininity that makes your boss sit up straighter when you walk into the room and your team loyal beyond measure.

You can probably tell already, but to be clear my executive clients are NOT your typical corporate climbers. They tend to find me when they’re ready to play a big game both inside and outside their firm. They’re ready to be interviewed on big stages, take the lead on big deals, and realize a bold vision for their industry and the world.

Transformational 1:1 Coaching

Clarity on your vision and unique gifts, a roadmap across uncharted territory, a massive boost to your self-trust, powerful accountability, and real-time roll-up-your-sleeves support.

Book My free Consultation
This is for you if:

You have a bunch of puzzle pieces for your next chapter and they don’t feel like they fit together. You’re going to need to become the next version of you, to get outside your professional comfort zone, and to embrace the next phase of your entrepreneurial life (be it growing an existing company, starting one, or bringing out your entrepreneurial gifts in a leadership role). 

What you get:

In a six-month coaching arc we meet for three, or more, hours a month for 6 months. We set goals at the start and work towards them with a combination of deep mindset coaching, world-class business strategy, and personal brand and comms advisory - all with an optional side of intuitive guidance.

While each arc is unique you will always receive:

• Transformational coaching to unlock clarity, confidence, and creativity
• Vision setting where we articulate goals that harness predictable, possible, and exponential goals
• Uncommon business strategies that harness your unique strengths and gifts, leading to inspired action and generative growth
• Communication advisory to draw in your ideal audience and create a legacy of permission, creativity, and joy
• Tactical support with access to Katharine by text/email on weekdays

This is my preferred way to support my clients. In six months we can go deep, defang knotty limiting beliefs and old stories that other therapy and coaching modalities haven’t shifted yet, and you’ll truly have a partner walking side-by-side as you ride the ups and downs and take big, bold, aligned steps into your future.

Who is this for?

Women entrepreneurs, creatives and executives looking to make a big change in their life and their work. You’ve heard the call, and you want someone to walk alongside you as you step into a new level of power, play and permission.

Book My free Consultation

Exponential Clarity Session

A deep, structured self-reflection followed by two hours of vision, strategy, and coaching.

Book My free Consultation
This is for you if:

• You want to workshop something that’s keeping you stuck right now

• You want to tune up your vision before embarking on a new project

• You want to find ways to simplify and weave together a bunch of disparate projects (multi-hyphenates are my jam!)

• Or if you just want to try a one-off session before committing to a full 6- or 12-month arc together

What you get:

The Exponential Clarity Strategy and Vision Session is a 2-hour 1:1 deep dive that’s part vision expansion, part strategy tune-up, part mindset glow-up, with optional intuitive guidance for your business (if that’s your thing).

You prepare two pieces of homework and I use those, alongside desktop research into you and your work, to craft an insight-packed session.

Two hours sounds short, but these sessions routinely unlock deep blocks and get entrepreneurs who have been spiraling and overwhelmed, right back on track.

These sessions have been described as “the beautiful, clarifying and gentle slap in the face I needed”, “a lantern and a compass after a long time in the dark woods” and “better than six months of therapy” (this one made me cry when I read it).

Who is this for?

Every woman entrepreneur, creative or executive who’s feeling lost, creatively dry, overwhelmed, or even furious with the world, and is looking to (re)connect with their I-can’t-wait-to-built-that vision and get clear actionable steps they can take today that will make it a reality.

You'll leave with:

Clarity, calm, an expansive vision of yourself and your work - and a spring in your step.

Book My free Consultation

Seen, unlocked, transformed: A few words from beloved clients…

Her zone of genius is understanding your capacity for bigger impact

I've been in business for seven or eight years, and I've worked with a lot of coaches. What I identified in my ongoing coaching with Katharine is that her zone of genius is very quickly understanding you as the business owner, what your zone of genius is, and your capacity for bigger impact. I think that's really exciting. It's very hard to find people who are business savvy enough, but also intuitive enough to see things that you don't see, or articulate things that you've struggled to put into words.

Founder and CEO, Peptalk Her

Katharine has changed the way I talk, walk, and speak about myself and my business

She helped me see my value and to see that I am the right person to be the CEO of my business.

Founder and CEO, Private Packs

She helps you pull out exactly what you need

I strongly recommend anyone work with Katharine, she reaches deep inside you and helps you pull out exactly what you need - your best and highest self.

Principal, Studio AKA

Katharine is a gifted visionary

She just gets entrepreneurs. She helped me wade through the mud and highlight a massive leverage point. I feel inspired and empowered with clear actionable steps. Working with Katharine has made a tremendous difference.

Founder, Higher Love

I now lead a more joyful existence in all parts of my life.

Building a business and a life go hand in hand - we can’t talk about the business without considering all the other factors of our lives. While I am incredibly proud of how far my business has come in the past year, what I am most grateful for is the support in helping me blossom into the woman and leader I have only dreamed I could be.

Theresa lennahan
Co-founder, Head of Brand Strategy, Little Sunday’s Studio

What most struck me was her ability to intuitively connect to me and my mission

Katharine has a remarkable gift for intuitive clarity, and her ability to guide and support others is unparalleled. What most struck me was her ability to intuitively connect to me and my mission. She immediately got my business. It was like she was in my head. I highly recommend working with her if you're seeking transformation, alignment, and the realization of your fullest potential.

Founder, The Goldenbrand

Working with Katharine nurtured a confidence I was lacking

Working with Katharine nurtured a confidence I was lacking to promote myself and encouraged me to believe in the unique value I deliver for clients. I have the permission I need to lean into what feels most aligned with who I am and my unique business that blends storytelling, strategy, and social impact.

Founder, Meshin Movement