Re-Writer of Rules.
Disciple of Entrepreneurship.
Acolyte at the Altar of Feminine Power.


To give you a sense of what I bring to my work I’m drawing from all of these (and much more):

Year • Month

A 15+ year wild, eclectic rocketship of a career before I decided to forge my own entrepreneurial path.

• 5 years in strategic advisory roles to two of the world most successful entrepreneurs: I  spent the pandemic as Tory Burch’s speechwriter and lead brand comms person, and four years co-creating a multi-million dollar entertainment brand about spying with British entrepreneur John Hunt.

• Plus experience in another eight industries and leadership roles in pretty much every company function…

Year • Month

A deep curiosity about how the mind works and how we change it.

• I spent a heartbreaking decade watching my mother navigate early-onset Alzheimers - a masterclass in love, joy, heartbreak, grief, and what makes us human

• Which led me to…. Two breakdowns and experimenting with tools from meditation to EMDR, daily cold showers to psychedelics, and a ton of other therapy and coaching modalities

• Then studying under the creators of the coaching, and other world-class experts across three continents

• And thousands of hours of study on psychology and a multitude of other personal development modalities

Year • Month

Real-world experience getting out of the matrix. Untangling a conventional life that ticked most of the boxes I’d been taught to value to create an unconventional one aligned with my soul’s purpose, my wildly varied interests, and everything that I know to bring me joy.

• I called in and married my big true love: we met in 2018, got engaged a year later, and have a beautiful toddler, Iris with another on the way.

• I am thriving in motherhood (to my own surprise) with a deep network of support and the mental tools and resources to enhance the love and joy and banish the guilt.

• We’ve created an annual calendar of rituals and adventures with friends and family that fills me up and weaves an ever-denser tapestry of love and support around our family.

• We bought a magical shared vacation house in Big Sur with 7 other couples - a place where our kids are building core memories and where we’ll hang out and grow old together.

• And I’m building this heart-led and soul-fired business…

Year • Month

Plus, half a lifetime of future-visioning around culture, society, and business, including:

• Undergraduate and master's degrees in philosophy, politics, and economics

• Writing speeches and reports for Davos, The Forbes Women’s Summit and supporting interviews with almost ever major news outlet

• And a voracious appetite for thoughtful science fiction

When I was seven

I lived in Poland and made friends with my neighbor.  My house was the same size as hers. In mine, four people had everything a person could need and more. In hers, ten families had no electricity or running water. I learned young that fairness is unfairly distributed.

When I was ten

I was sent away to school.I was a strange, awkward only child, and suddenly fitting in was a matter of survival. My passions and emotions made me a target. So I learned to ignore them both.

Eighteen-year-old me

was a hyper-achieving, social chameleon with the barest flicker of an internal compass. I knew one thing for sure: Humans are forged by the systems they inhabit, and our current systems are making us miserable. And that knowledge left me with a quest. A big one. I wanted to learn how we could remake our society, culture, and economy to free future generations.

In my mid twenties

after a few false starts, I found the lever of change I had been looking for.You see, entrepreneurs create new realities and bring us into them. They seed new ideas into our culture. They devise new models of prosperity with the potential to free us all. I set out to learn what makes great entrepreneurs great, and what makes them good.

Over the next decade and a half

I worked for over ten entrepreneurs in different industries and at different stages. I even spent five years working up close with two of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time.

I turned 40 this year and  I could not have done this work much younger.

To give you a sense of what I bring to my work I’m drawing from all of these (and much more)...

A 15+ year wild, eclectic rocketship of a career working with the greats before I decided to forge my own entrepreneurial path.

• I was lucky enough to spend five years in strategic advisory roles to two of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.

• I spent the pandemic as Tory Burch’s speechwriter and lead Brand Comms person and four years at the right hand of British serial entrepreneur John Hunt, where we co-created a multi-million dollar entertainment brand about spying, a non-profit supporting social entrepreneurs, and a documentary film about a medieval horse race.

• I also gained experience in another eight industries and leadership roles in pretty much every company function…

A deep curiosity about how the mind works and how we change it.

• I spent my twenties watching my mother navigate early-onset Alzheimer’s. The unexpected gift: a masterclass in surrender, love, joy, heartbreak, grief, and what makes us human.

• Which led me to two breakdowns after which I put my self back together by experimenting with everything from traditional therapy to meditation, EMDR, daily cold showers, psychedelics, and a ton of diverse coaching modalities.

• All of which led me to realizing I wanted to be a healer and guide. So I sought out and studied with the creators of the coaching industry, as well as dozens of world-class experts in psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy across three continents.

Real-life experience getting out of the matrix. Untangling a conventional life to create an unconventional one aligned with my soul's purpose, my wildly varied interests, and everything I know to bring me joy.

• I called in and married my big love: we met in 2018, got engaged a year later, and have a beautiful toddler, Iris with another on the way.

• I am thriving in motherhood with a deep network of support and the mental tools and resources to enhance the love and joy and banish the guilt. (Plus a truckload of phenomenal childcare that I am immensely grateful for.)

• We’ve created an annual calendar of rituals and adventures with friends and family that fills me up and weaves an ever-denser tapestry of love and support around our family.

• My husband and I bought a magical shared vacation house in Big Sur with 7 other couples - a place where our kids are building core memories and where we’ll hang out and grow old with our friends.

• Plus I’m building this heart-led and soul-fired coaching practice and working on a book on feminine entrepreneurship that’s been dancing with me for the last decade.

Plus, half a lifetime of future-visioning around culture, society, and business, including:

• Undergraduate and master's degrees in philosophy, politics, and economics

• Writing speeches and reports for Davos, The Forbes Women’s Summit and supporting interviews with almost every major news outlet

• And a voracious appetite for thoughtful science fiction and optimistic takes on potential futures.

I would ask myself a few questions every day:

What makes them so successful? What are their blind spots?
How do they get their best ideas? What happens with their worst ones?
What are they paying attention to that others ignore? And what are they ignoring that others pay attention to? 
How do they cope with the downsides: the loneliness, the hours, the stress, the uncertainty?
And most importantly, would I want to build the way they are building? 

I was slowly working my way toward a model of doing business that felt intuitively right. A model of visioning, creating, selling, and growing that respects our humanity and meets the demands of our society and economic system. A model with nothing short of joy and freedom as its goal. 

Alongside this earthly quest to rewire society, I was on a soul quest to rewire myself. It started at 23, a couple of years after my mother’s diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's. This quest was initially a slow burn. Years of therapy, questioning values, and making sense of my childhood. 

The gears slowly turning on my inner life, small valuable changes in my outer life. Then, the year after my mother died in my early 30s, I had a second breakdown. 

And so began a more intense period of soul searching.

Every flavor of support fuses mindset coaching and business strategy 

A more traditional bio


A more traditional bio

I support women to thrive - and build businesses that they love to lead - through powerful soulful conversations that reconnect them to their deepest gifts and uncommon strategies that bypass the grind.

In addition to multiple coaching qualifications, I’ve spent over 15 years working with some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the US and Europe - including Tory Burch. In my last corporate role before becoming a full-time coach and writer, I led Brand Communications for Tory, helping her craft the messages she shared during the pandemic.

I’m on a lifelong quest to uncover and rewrite the operating principles of entrepreneurship and I share what I’ve learned through my 1:1 coaching and group workshops, in my writing on LinkedIn and my newsletter.

Currently, I’m synthesizing a new handbook for feminine entrepreneurship through interviews with some of the most successful women founders and creators of our time (check out The Baubo Project).

I’m honored to be an Advisor to the Tory Burch Foundation Fellows program and the New York Fashion Tech Lab.